
"finding Wisdom in the Dynamic Equilibrium between Living and Dying"


LICENSE REQUIRED.(1) From and after January 1, 2016, it is unlawful for any person to assume or use the title or designation of "ethicist," "certified ethicist," "registered ethicist," or any other combination of terms that include the title "ethicist," unless such person has been issued a license pursuant to this chapter and the license is in good standing pursuant to rules of the board. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit the use of the term "ethics" or "moral" as a descriptive term in connection with a person's occupation or employment.

(2)No person shall use any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviations, or sign, card or device which indicates to the public that such person is an ethicist or has been issued a temporary permit pursuant to this chapter unless the person is so licensed or has been issued such permit, and the license or permit is in good standing pursuant to rules of the board.

(3)A person who is a registered ethicist, as determined by the commission on ethicist registration with the Idaho.Ethics.Center or, who is credentialed as an ethicist by any other association which is also recognized by the national commission for certifying agencies, may continue to use such credential without being licensed pursuant to this chapter as long as the person does not engage in activities set forth in section 54-5605(3), Idaho Code.




a project of the Division of Philosophy & Ethics | McCall College | McCall, Idaho |